December 5 of each year marks an international event for volunteers to celebrate, which was endorsed by the United Nations General Assembly, in which it urges measures to increase awareness about volunteering and volunteers, thus motivating more people in all walks of life to provide services as volunteers.
Volunteers are people who spend most of their time serving the community. They devote their talents, energy and experience to the development of society and serving its members, without waiting for a reward or remuneration.

The Orphans Care Union considers that the best ambassador for humanitarian charitable organizations is a volunteer who works with them and believes in them, and the largest organizations working in the charitable field were based on volunteers with whom they started and continued, so we must support volunteering and encourage volunteers from all segments of society.

In turn, the Union always welcomes volunteers in all its events and activities, and from this standpoint, it is currently working on planning voluntary training, educational and educational programs and trips that it will launch in the coming period.

Volunteers contribute to building societies capable of advancing
