Excerpts from the activities of the Psychological Support Program for Caregivers Working with Orphans, Relief and Safety: “A psychological support program for field workers with orphans and their families” in the state of Gaziantep.

The training on psychological resilience in dealing with trauma, which was presented by Dr. Wafa Al-Adwani from the Tarahom Volunteer Team, focused on the following topics: the concept of psychological resilience and its impact, symptoms of psychological stress and ways to prevent stress, psychological fragility and the causes of psychological strength.

This campaign is funded by the Tanmiea Charity - Kuwait and implemented by the Orphans Care Federation, in cooperation with the Rahma Worlwide Organization.

The program was extremely important and an opportunity to develop workers’ skills and enrich their experiences in the field of psychological and social support, especially in light of the psychological and health suffering of orphans after the earthquake.

The Psychological Support Program for Caregivers Working with Orphans in its Last Two Days in Gaziantep
