Within the efforts and plan of the Orphan Care Union to provide distinguished services in the field of publications and administrative development, and after an effort and preparation that lasted for two years, the Orphan Care Union issued several training manuals.

These guides are unique and distinctive of their kind in the Middle East and specialize in working with orphans and their families with the support of the Sheikh Abdullah Al-Nouri Charitable Society, the Voluntary Charity Team and the International Islamic Charitable Organization, including:

Guide to preparing and qualifying the caregiver - field worker with orphans : The guide aims to raise the capabilities and skills of workers to reach the best ways to care and care for the orphan and his family.

The Guide to Empowerment and Development Programs for Orphans and Their Families : The guide aims to urge organizations that work with orphans to focus on empowerment programs, including explanations and models in an easy, convenient and practical way.

An introduction guide to the pioneering empowerment of women : The guide aims to rehabilitate a woman who has experienced a crisis or ordeal to value herself and work to be an active person in society and a diligent educator for her children.Yetim Bakım Derneği'nin yayıncılık ve idari gelişim alanında seçkin hizmetler sunma çabası ve planı çerçevesinde, iki yıl süren bir çalışma ve hazırlıktan sonra Yetim Bakım Derneği çeşitli eğitim kılavuzları yayımladı.


The Federation has implemented several training courses to train on these manuals and ensure their ease of use.

He also plans during the current year to publish several guides in the Orphans Section and Child Protection Policy Guide.

As part of the plan to expand the scope of training these guides, the Federation is currently translating these guides into Turkish and English, so that training will be available for them during the first half of the current year.

Issuing a series of specialized training manuals for field workers with orphans and women
