In a move to expand the circle of local and international relations with organizations working in the humanitarian field, and with the aim of the Union having interaction and presence in international forums, Fadi Iskandarani, Executive Director of the Red Crescent Conference, “Baghdad Forum for Communities Active in Humanitarian Work.”

This participation was part of a series of field visits to humanitarian organizations in Iraq from 1-10 December 2018, with the aim of strengthening cooperation, expanding the network of relations and exchanging common experiences between institutions in the charitable sector. And the two organizations of Al-Nahrain for Relief and Development and Shams Al-Rafidain Charitable Organization, in addition to the Al-Hadeel Foundation for Orphans Care and Al-Ansar Charitable Organization.


The meetings were interactive and the topics that were raised during the meetings related to charitable and humanitarian work and how to develop institutions operating in Iraq. Developmental and relief efforts to provide real care for orphans. During its visits, the Federation affirmed that it is ready to provide various reasons for institutional support to them through its network of relations.

Toplantılar interaktifti ve toplantılarda hayır ve insani yardım çalışmaları ve Irak'ta faaliyet gösteren kurumların nasıl geliştirileceği ile ilgili konular gündeme geldi. Yetimlere gerçek bakım sağlamak için kalkınma ve yardım çalışmaları. Federasyon, ziyaretleri sırasında, kendi ilişki ağı aracılığıyla kendilerine kurumsal destek için çeşitli gerekçeler sunmaya hazır olduğunu teyit etti.

A series of official visits within the field tour to humanitarian organizations. Iraq
