Under the slogan “The Journey of Support,” the Orphan Care Union implemented the first flight of the Silk Road Trips project, which was launched by the Union at the beginning of this year 2019. A delegation from the State of Kuwait visited several cities in southern Turkey, with the participation of a team from the Executive Office from the Union for Orphans and Trustee Care General Mr. Salah Al-Jarallah, from 18 to 20 April 2019.

The delegation toured several projects serving Syrian refugees, and visited the orphanage village run by the Humanitarian Relief Organization in the city of Reyhanli.

In order to view the outputs of the Upper Hand Project and the Women’s Pioneering Empowerment Project, which were implemented by the Orphan Care Union in cooperation with some organizations, the delegation was briefed on some of the women’s work and heard personally from many beneficiaries about the outcomes and benefits gained from the courses.


It is worth noting that the next trip of the Orphan Care Union, which falls under the Silk Road Journeys project, will be to Bosnia next July.


A journey of support and assistance to the Turkish south within the Silk Road Journeys project
